24 May 2022 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

Tanzania’s National Programme develops action plan to achieve zero leprosy

In May 2022, the National Leprosy Programme of Tanzania held a four-day workshop in Dodoma to develop a Zero Leprosy Action Plan. Tanzania is a 2020 country partner of the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL). The programme began implementing the Zero Leprosy Country Model in 2021 with the country review, stakeholder meeting, and the creation of Tanzania’s Zero Leprosy Roadmap. With the development of the Zero Leprosy Action Plan, the National Leprosy Programme, headed by Dr. Deusdedit Kamara, is one step closer to disease elimination.

The National Leprosy Programme of Tanzania, in collaboration with partners working to achieve a Zero Leprosy status and the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy, convened to take the Roadmap one step further and develop a national Zero Leprosy Action Plan. This plan represents the combined work of every major stakeholder in the country including the Ministry of Health, representatives of Persons affected by Leprosy, NGOs, academic and scientific institutions, and other partners. It lays out specific targets, key activities, and resources needed for Tanzania to achieve no disease, no disability, and no discrimination or stigma in the country.

Priority interventions outlined in Tanzania’s Zero Leprosy Action Plan include:

  • Capacity building
  • Resource mobilization
  • Integration
  • Community involvement and engaging other partners
  • Contact screening
  • Provision of PEP
  • Advocacy and social mobilization
  • Addressing Disability and Rehabilitation Services
  • Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
  • Disease surveillance and research

Together with the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy, the National Leprosy Programme of Tanzania and its partners are committed to working toward the targets of the action plan and the achievement of zero leprosy in Tanzania by 2030.