Who We Are
Peter Steinmann | Chair
Head, Diseases and Programmes Unit, SwissTPH -
Ritu Ghosh
Executive Director, Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy -
Simone Graven
Manager External Affairs & Strategic Partnerships, Novartis -
Deanna Hagge
Consultant Researcher -
Linda Hummel
Chair of Executives Group, Leprosy Research Initiative -
Vivek Lal
Team Leader, WHO Global Leprosy Programme (Observer) -
Mauricio Lisboa Nobre
Technical Advisor, The Brazilian Hansen's Disease Program -
Berta Mendiguren de la Vega
Board of Trustees, Anesvad Foundation -
Beatriz Miranda Galarza
Special Rapporteur (observer), United Nations -
Sunil Modali
Global Medical Affairs Director, Leprosy Program, Global Health & Sustainability, Novartis -
Tuduetso Molefi
Neglected Tropical Diseases Program Manager, Botswana -
Takahiro Nanri
Executive Director, Sasakawa Health Foundation -
Faustino Pinto
National Coordinator, MORHAN -
Benedict Quao
Program Manager, National Leprosy Elimination Programme of Ghana -
Narasimha Rao Potharaju
President, International Leprosy Association -
Jordan Tappero
Global Health Representative -
Amar Timalsina
Global Network Coordinator, IDEA International -
Emmy van der Grinten
Technical Division Manager, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation -
Lucrecia Vásquez Acevedo
President, Felehansen -
Geoff Warne
Organizational Members
- Africa on the Move
- Agence Congolaise de Promotion des Droits des Personnes Handicapées (ACPDPH)
- Alliance Against Leprosy
- American Leprosy Missions
- Amici di Raoul Follereau
- Anesvad Foundation
- Angels in the Field
- Asosiasaun Ema Afeita Lepra Timor Leste
- Association for IDEA Nepal
- Banchte Shekha (Learn How to Survive)
- Brazilian Society of Hansen’s Disease – Sociedade Brasileira de Hansenologia (SBH)
- Burundi Neglected Tropical Diseases and Blindness National Programme, Ministry of Health
- Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux – University of Antananarivo
- Changing Lives Initiative Zambia
- CIOMAL – Campagne internationale de l’ordre de malte contre la lepre
- Clinique Medicale Uzima
- Community Restoration Initiative Project
- DAHW Deutsche Lepra – und Tuberkulosehilfe e.V.
- Damien Foundation
- effect: hope
- Fondation Raoul Follereau
- Fondation Santé pour le Prochain
- Fontilles Foundation
- Gate Foundation Ghana
- Gazze Destek Association GDD
- Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas dan Lepra Indonesia (GPDLI)
- Ghana Health Service
- Grace Foundation
- Gramiya Valarchi Sangam Society
- Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
- Guinea Health and Care Medical Services (HCMS – Guinea)
- HEADP-Nepal
- Hope Welfare Trust
- HOTHS Organization for the Human Services
- Humanitarian Enhancement Aid for Resilient Transformation-HEART
- IDEA – Nigeria
- InfoLep
- Integrated Community Health Solutions Pvt Ltd
- International Association for Integration, Dignity and Economic Advancement (IDEA)
- International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP)
- International Leprosy Association (ILA)
- International Nepal Fellowship
- John and Friends Healthcare Foundation
- Lepra – Bangladesh
- Lepra – United Kingdom
- Leprosy Control and Disability Management Section, Government of Nepal
- Leprosy Prevention and Control, National TB Programme, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia
- Leprosy Research Initiative
- Lingkar Sosial Indonesia
- Little Flower Leprosy Welfare Association
- LUV+ (Leprosy at Utale Village PLUS)
- Mabosh Memorial Centre
- Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre
- Maharashtra Dayanand Society
- Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
- Morhan
- Mother Society: Miracle Organization Towards Health and Education Remedial Society
- National Association of Persons Affected by Leprosy – Sierra Leone
- National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases
- National Leprosy Eradication Program (NLEP) of India
- National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Division Ministry of Health Uganda
- Naunau o e Alamaite Tonga Association, NATA
- Nepra
- NLR India
- No Leprosy Remains (NLR)
- Novartis
- Pacific Leprosy Foundation
- PerMaTa Indonesia South Sulawesi
- Podium Populaire des Jeunes
- Presbyterian Church in Cameroon
- Programa Nacional de Controlo da Lepra of Angola
- Prosperity CARE
- Purple Hope Initiative Nigeria
- Rajpracha Samasai Institute
- Rehabilitation Empowering And Development (READ) Nepal
- Rising Star Outreach of India
- Roots Bangladesh
- Rural Care Ministries
- Rural Infrastructure and Human Resource Development Organization (RIHRDO)
- Salt Water Tours
- Sanatorio Agua de Dios
- Sanid Organisation for Relief and Development (SORD)
- Sasakawa Health Foundation
- Schieffelin Institute of Health Research and Leprosy Centre
- Secours aux Lépreux – Leprosy Relief Canada
- Shanti Rehabilitation Center
- Sorok Uni Foundation Inc.
- Soul Winning International Ministries
- St Francis Leprosy Guild
- The Brazilian Leprosy Program, General Coordination of Leprosy and Diseases in Elimination (CGHDE), Ministério da Saúde
- The Center for Tuberculosis & Leprosy Control (Botswana) Trust
- The Leprosy Mission Bangladesh
- The Leprosy Mission International
- The Leprosy Project
- The Republic of Uganda Ministry of Health
- The Task Force for Global Health (Secretariat)
- Todu Guam Foundation
- Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
- Vallalar Educational Trust
- World Health Organization (Observer)
- Yayasan Dedikasi Tjipta Indonesia (YDTI)
- Youth Association for Development – Pakistan

Membership is open to all.
Individual Members
- Dagim Abate, Hawassa University Department of Dermatology
- Yohanna Abdou, The Leprosy Mission Niger
- Yohanna Abdou, The Leprosy Mission Niger**
- Shehu Abdullahi, IDEA Nigeria**
- Linda Adams, National Hansen’s Disease Programs
- Orojo Adebayo, State TB & Leprosy Control Program, Nigeria
- Deborah Adepoju, Almond Diamedical Laboratory
- Sanjiv Adhikari, Sustainable Development for Change, Kathmandu, Nepal
- Ernesto Afonso, Programa Nacional de Controlo da Lepra/ Angola**
- Edglesy Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Ceará* **
- Regitta Indira Agusni, Airlangga University
- Mohammed Ahmed, DAHW East Africa**
- Madhvi Ahuja, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Abdelaziz Alahlafi, WHO**
- Md Khorshed Alam, The Leprosy Mission Bangladesh
- Maria de Jesus Freitas de Alencar, Public Health Consultant*
- Angel Miguel Germán Almeida, Tropical Medicine Institute Pedro Kourí*
- Francisco Almeida, Sociedade Brasileira de Hansenologia
- Joel Almeida, Public Health Consultant* **
- Joelson Dos Santos Almeida, UESPI – State University of Piauí*
- Yasin Al-qubati, GLRA**
- Amir Alrafati, FARHAN Indonesia
- Hamidu Hama Amadu, IDEA Nigeria**
- Shyamala Anand, American Leprosy Missions**
- Randrianantoandro Andriamira, Programme National De Lutte Contre La Lepre – Ministere De La
- Sante Publique
- Olívia Dias de Araújo, Federal University of Piauí*
- Mohammed Aleem Arif, NLR India**
- Mohan Arikonda, The Leprosy Mission**
- Guillermo Robert de Arquer, Lepra UK**
- Sian Arulanantham, The Leprosy Mission**
- Erasme Paluku Asubui, Action Damien DR Congo**
- Charlotte Avanzi, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne*
- Mainas Ayuba, HEAL Disability Initiative**
- Marivic Balagon, Leonard Wood Memorial Center for Leprosy Research*
- Adebayo M. Bakare, Damien Foundation Nigeria**
- Indranath Banerjee, Independent Consultant
- Nand Lal Banstola, NLR Nepal**
- Jacqueline Caracas Barbosa, Universidade Federal do Ceará*
- Flávia Barkokébas, Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona**
- Josafá Barreto, Federal University of Pará*
- Tanja Barth, Swiss TPH**
- Rabindra Baskota, Leprosy Control and Disability Management Section, Government of Nepal**
- Gabriela Lopes Batista, Universidade do Estado de Sante Catarina**
- Gilbert Batista, Action Damien Senegal**
- Prashant Behary, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Kerstin Beise, DARE-THIS Cooperative**
- Marcus Beissner, Hausärzte im Lehel
- Andrea de Faria Fernandes Belone, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Anwar Benabdellah, Université Abou Bekr Belkaid
- Jan van Berkel, Netherlands Leprosy Relief, ILEP, LRI
- Isabela Maria Bernardes Goulart, Federal University of Uberlândia
- Bino Berry, The Leprosy Mission Trust India**
- Donal Bisanzio, RTI International
- David Blaney, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*
- David Blok, Erasmus MC*
- Kidist Bobosha, Armauer Hansen Research Institute*
- Marc Bonenberger, FAIRMED
- Alphonse Um Boock, FAIRMED**
- Sofie Braet, Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
- Wim van Brakel, NLR * **
- Paula Brandão, MORHAN, ILEP, and Universidad del Estado de Rio de Janeiro*
- Gisela Bretzel, Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, University Hospital, LMU
- Munich
- Cynthia Ruth Butlin, The Leprosy Mission International**
- Oraima Beruvides Cabrera, Tropical Medicine Institute Pedro Kouri*
- Emmanuelle Cambau, National Reference Center for Mycobacteria of France*
- Geisa Campos**
- Cherry Ann Candava, Department of Health – Center for Health Development Mimaropa
- Nora Cardona-Castro, Instituto Colombiano de Medicina Tropical – Universidad CES**
- Raisa Caridad Rumbaut Castillo, Ministerio de Salud Publica Cuba*
- Vania Carvalho, SEMSA**
- Elisamara Castro**
- Leticia Cavalcante, Hospital Universitário Júlio Muller**
- Arielle Cavaliero, Novartis (Leadership Team)*
- Sundeep Chaitanya, American Leprosy Missions*
- Ramesh Chand Chauhan, All India Institute of Medical Sciences*
- Sudip Chaudhuri, CARE India
- Noeme Karla Ramos Chaves**
- Michael Zhiqiang Chen, HANDA Rehabilitation & Welfare Association (IDEA China)
- Nneka Chika-Igwenyi, Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital
- Ramesh Kumar Choudhary, Nepal Leprosy Trust – Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital and Services Centre
- Abu Sufian Chowdhury, The Leprosy Mission International Bangladesh
- Graeme Clugston, Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital & Services Centre (LLHSC)
- Rosibel Lara Contreras**
- Erwin Cooreman, WHO Global Leprosy Programme*
- Denise Cortela, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso**
- Joelma Maria Costa, Municipal Health Foundation and Federal University of Piauí*
- Alice Cruz, UN Special Rapporteur (Leadership Team, observer)
- Rossilene Cruz, Fundação Alfredo da Matta**
- Thomas J. Cummings, Duke University Medical Center*
- Arturo Cunanan, Culion Sanitarium and General Hospital**
- Thushani Dabrera, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka**
- Maheshwora Dahal, Shantinagar Healthcare Clinic
- Tahir Dahiru, Leprosy and TB Relief Initiative Nigeria**
- Eric Dakura, Ghana Health Service
- Jeroze Dalal, Novartis HealthCare, India
- Famkima Darlong, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Joydeepa Darlong, The Leprosy Mission Trust India* **
- Patrick Davies, Gate Foundation Ghana**
- Lourduraj De Britto, Indian Council of Medical Research
- Sunil Deepak, AIFO**
- Patrícia Deps, Federal University of Espirito Santo
- Peter Derrick, effect:hope**
- Roseane de Deus**
- Narayan Dhamshaktu, Ministry of Helath and Family Welfare, India*
- Ida Maria Foschiani Dias-Baptista, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Luiz Dias, Fundação Alfredo da Matta*
- William Dibb, Bon Secours
- Belen Dofitas, Philippine Leprosy Mission, Inc.**
- Omar Ariel Espinosa Domínguez, Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso**
- Mathias Duck, ILEP**
- Malcolm Duthie, Infectious Disease Research Institute*
- Mannam Ebenezer, The Mission to End Leprosy, Ireland
- Glenn Torrencelli Edosoa, WHO
- Henk Eggens**
- Ulla-Brit Engelbrektsson, The International Nepal Fellowship, Nepal
- Jiske Erlings, Netherlands Leprosy Relief
- Jessica Escobar, Centro de Referência em Doenças Tropicais**
- Lilibeth Nwakaego Evarestus, Purple Hope Initiative**
- Jessica Fairley, Emory University*
- Christine Fenenga, Public Health Consultant**
- Cynthia de Oliveira Ferreira, Fundação Alfredo da Matta*
- Isaias Nery Ferreira**
- Silvana Margarida Benevides Ferreira, Universidade de Cuiabá**
- Ana Paula Fontana, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro*
- Cinira Fortuna, School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo*
- Marco Andrey Cipriani Frade, Universidade de São Paulo
- Lucia Alves de Oliviera Fraga, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora**
- Carlos Franco-Paredes, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center
- Markus Freudiger, Lepra – Mission Switzerland
- Jenny Laura Ruiz Fuentes, Tropical Medicine Institute Pedro Kourí*
- Subodha Galahitiyawa, University of the West of Scotland**
- Maria Eugenia Noviski Gallo, Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro**
- Katherine Gass, NTD Support Center, Task Force for Global Health*
- Dairo Gbolahan, Damien Foundation**
- Annemieke Geluk, Leiden University Medical Center*
- Abraham George, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Shibu George, GLRA India**
- Mustapha Abdulkarim Giade, Giade Youth Forum
- Laura Gillini, WHO*
- Thomas Gillis, Louisiana State University*
- George Gitau, American Leprosy Missions**
- Edessa Negera Gobena, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- Allana de Maria Portela Gomes**
- P. K. Gopal, IDEA**
- Luiz Ricardo Goulart, Federal University of Uberlândia
- Karthikeyan Govindasamy, The Leprosy Mission Trust India*
- Kasusi Libongo Gregoire, Comboni Primary Health Care Unit, South Sudan
- Helena Greter, Swiss Tropical and Publich Health Institute**
- Emmy van der Grinten, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation
- Martha Inirida Guerrero, Hospital Universitario Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta
- Prabuddha Gupta, Amity University Kolkata
- Ranjan Kumar Gupta, District Leprosy Office, Government of Gujarat**
- Mohan Gupte, ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology*
- Deanna Hagge, The Leprosy Mission (Leadership Team)*
- Ivana Haluskova-Balter, Consultant*
- Amadu Hama Hamidu, IDEA Nigeria
- Mahsin Hamuda, UNDP**
- Jurrie de Hart, NLR**
- David Heard, Novartis*
- Duane Hinders, NLR* **
- Sebastian Tseung Ho, The Leprosy Project Limited
- Hosne Ara Hoque, The Leprosy Mission Bangladesh
- Ilse Horo, Schieffelin Institute of Health Research & Leprosy Center**
- Anwar Hossain, Damien Foundation Bangladesh**
- Shahed Hossain, James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University*
- Elian Ignotti, University de Matto Grosso**
- Ahmad Iguda, Ministry of Health Jigawa State
- Ximena Illarramendi, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation*
- Dan Izzett, Advocate for Leprosy Sufferers
- Eunice Jacome, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Manaus**
- Rupendra Jadhav, Department of Microbiology, The Institute of Science, Mumbai**
- Alex Jaucot, Damien Foundation Belgium
- Annamma John, The Leprosy Mission Trust India*
- Roch Christian Johnson, International Leprosy Association, Fondation Raoul Follereau (Leadership Team)
- Anand Joshi, Public Health and Infectious Disease Research Center**
- Jerry Joshua, Schieffelin Institute of Health Research and Leprosy Centre**
- Judith Justice, University of California at San Francisco*
- Joseph Kai Man Kam, The Leprosy Project
- Sai Sri Krishnaja Kanakaveti, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
- Sonika Kapoor, National Jalma Institute of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases Agra
- Akanksha B Karande, JSS Academy of Higher Education
- Rajaa Karim, Ministère de la Santé du Maroc/Direction Régionale de la Santé Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima
- Palitha Karunapema, Anti Leprosy Campaign Sri Lanka**
- Christa Kasang, German Leprosy and TB Relief Association & the Leprosy Research Initiative*
- Herman-Joseph Kawuma, Retired as Medical Advisor of DAHW **
- Rose Kengonzi, National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Division Ministry of Health Uganda
- Ashish Khodke, Bombay Leprosy Project
- Ibtissam Khoudri, Ministry of Health of Morocco* **
- Stanley Kingsley, ALERT-INDIA
- Jong Pil Kim, Korean Hansen Welfare Association
- Geeta Kiran, Malla Reddy institute of Medical Sciences
- Anila Kirti, Healthy Nepal Community Foundation
- Elise Klement-Frutos, GHPS
- Karin van Knippenberg, NLR**
- Sushil Koirala, Damien Foundation Nepal**
- Hana Krismawati, Ministry of Health, Republic of Indonesia
- Arie de Kruijff, The Leprosy Mission**
- Abhay Kudale, Savitribai Phule Pune University
- Anil Kumar, National Leprosy Programme, India**
- Bagival Pradeep Kumar, The Leprosy Mission International**
- David Prakash Kumar, Schieffelin Institute of Health Research & Leprosy Centre
- Sanjay Kumar, The Leprosy Mission International* **
- Rachna Kumari, Lepra Society*
- Jayashree Kunju, ABLD Foundation
- Survashi Kunwar, GD Goenka University
- Laila de Laguiche, Brazilian Society of Leprology*
- Patrick Lammie, NTD Support Center, Task Force for Global Health*
- Flavio Alves Lara, Fiocruz*
- Ana Carla Latini, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Peter Laubscher, The Leprosy Mission**
- Mallika Lavania, The Leprosy Mission Trust India*
- Adebola Lawanson, National Leprosy Programme -Nigeria
- Maryse Legault, Secours aux Lépreux (Leprosy Relief Canada)
- Linda Lehman, American Leprosy Missions**
- Tsehaynesh Lema, Armauer Hansen Research Institute (AHRI)
- Taye Letta, National Leprosy Programme, Ethiopia**
- Andre Luiz Leturiondo, Fundação Alfredo da Matta*
- Zaw Lin, WHO-SEARO**
- Suchitra Lisam, NLR India*
- Diana Lockwood, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine*
- Derangula Lokesh, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
- Clovis Lombardi, Pan American Health Organization
- Helena Barbosa Lugão, Ribeiraão Preto Medical School – University of São Paulo*
- Dhaka Ram Budha Magar, INF Nepal
- Samarpan Budha Magar, Medical student
- Silpina Budha Magar, Medical professional
- Armi Maghanoy, Leonard Wood Memorial Center for Leprosy Research
- Sonika Mahajan, National Jalma Institute of Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
- Dipak Maharjan, International Nepal Fellowship
- Aditya Maheshwari, Aditya Clinic*
- Jennifer Mangeard-lourme, Lepra**
- Pratap Rai Manglani, NLR India**
- Sarah Marshall, Effect: hope**
- Balqiaz Marwat, Rural Infrastructure and Human Resource Development Organization (RIHRDO)
- Kritika Mathur, Indian Council of Medical Research
- Sylvestre Mbadingai, Ministry of Health, Central African Republic
- Chima Mbakwem, Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
- Clare McIntosh, St. Francis Leprosy Guild
- Scott McGrew, US National Hansen’s Disease Program
- Micheline Mendes, Secretaria de Saúde de Joao Pessoa**
- Tina Mendis, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Recipon Michel, Fondation Raoul Follereau
- Liesbeth Mieras, NLR* **
- Marcelo Tavora Mira, Ponifical Catholic University of Parana
- Fareed Mizra, Novartis*
- Keshar Kunja Mohanty, ICMR – National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
- Annick Mondjo, Ministry of Health Gabon* **
- Milton Moraes, Oswaldo Cruz institute, Fiocruz*
- Thaisa Wancy Silva Moraes, Hospital Giselda Trigueiro
- Brent Morgan, The Leprosy Mission International
- Raju Solomon Moturu, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Ferdinand Mou, FAIRMED Cameroon**
- Shintouo Cabirou Mounchili, University of Beau*
- Juliana de Moura, Universidade Federal do Paraná*
- Pierre Umba Mpiana, Action Damien**
- Mudatsir, Universitas Syiah Kuala
- Shivakumar Mugudalabetta, Damien Foundation India Trust**
- Sabha Mushtaq, Government Medical College, Jammu
- Allan Musinguzi, Africa on the Move
- Zunarsih Mustafa, Indonesian Leprosy Study Group, Indonesian Society of Dermatology and Venereology (INSDV)
- Ganesh Muthusamy**
- Takahiro Nanri, Sasakawa Health Foundation (Leadership Team)
- Tarun Narang, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, India
- Susilene Maria Tonelli Nardi, Instituto Adolfo Lutz*
- Sonali Nayak, PramilaEkAsha**
- Érica de Alencar Rodrigues Neri, Municipal Health Foundation, Federal University of Piauí*
- Mercedes de Oliveira Neto, Universidade do Estado do Dio de Janeiro*
- Jaiza Karla Almeida Neves, Secretaria de Estado da Saúde**
- Mauricio Lisboa Nobre, The Brazilian Leprosy Program (Leadership Team)
- Maria Renata Sales Nogueira, Lauro de Souza Lima Institute, Department of Health of São Paulo*
- Anna van ‘t Noordende, NLR*
- Brian Bakoko Nselebete, Action Damien DR Congo**
- Kholid Rosyidi Muhammad Nur, University of Jember
- Charles Nwafo, GLRA**
- Kofi Nyarko, IDEA Ghana
- Takehiko Ochiai, Ryukoku University
- Maria Teresa Ochoa, University of Southern California
- Gafar Odubote, JCI Nigeria**
- Jim Oehrig, American Leprosy Missions**
- Fabiana Oliviera, Morhan Alagoas**
- Héllen Xavier Oliviera, NHR Brasil*
- Francisco Onde, Coalition of Leprosy Advocates of the Philippines**
- Chizaram Onyeaghala, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital
- Nimer Ortuno-Gutierrez, Damien Foundation Belgium*
- Tom HM Ottenhoff, LUMC**
- Bonface Owino, Reformist Kwetu Crime Si Poa
- Nia Pairayayutakul, Rajchapracha Samasai
- Priyanka Panday, GD Goenka University
- Niraj Parajuli, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Bir Hospital**
- Vinay Kumar Pathak, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Pankaj Patel, Kiran Trust Foundation**
- Shubhangi Patil, DY Patil Hospital & Research Institute
- Raj Kumar Paudel, The Leprosy Mission Nepal**
- Vikash Paudel, Tribhuvan University, National Medical College**
- Sathish Kumar Paul, Schieffelin Institute of Health Research & Leprosy Center* **
- Valderiza Lourenço Pedrosa, Fundação Alfredo da Matta*
- Juan Pellerano, Cleveland Clinic Florida and CompreCare Affiliate
- Zoica Bakirtzief da Silva Pereira, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil*
- Henri Perroud, CIOMAL**
- Julia Pescarini, Instituto Gonçalo Muniz, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation*
- Ruth Peters, Athena Institute for Research on Innovation and Communication in Health and Life Sciences*
- Maneesh Phillip, effect:hope**
- Kim Jong Pill, Institute for Leprosy Research, KHWA**
- Luiza Pinheiro, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima**
- Roberta Olmo Pinheiro, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation*
- Francisco Faustino Pinto, MORHAN
- Maria Solange Araúdo Paiva Pinto, NHR Brasil* **
- Nicholas Pirie, The Leprosy Project
- Bart Vander Plaetse, FAIRMED**
- Md. Waheduzzaman Polu, Lepra – Bangladesh
- Arry Pongtiku, Papua Provincial Health Office – Indonesia**
- Shutiwan Ponladech, Raj Pracha Samasai Institute (National Leprosy Programme) Department of
- Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand
- Manickam Ponnaiah, ICMR – National Institute of Epidemiology**
- Yuek Ming Poon, International Nepal Fellowship
- Erik Post, FHI 360
- Ashutosh Prabhavalkar, ALERT – India, Mumbai
- Ambika Pradhan, Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital
- Renata Bilion Ruiz Prado, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima* **
- Cita Rosita Sigit Prakoeswa, Dr. Soetomo Teaching Hospital*
- Prem Raj Pshpakaran, NITC
- Heri Purwanto, Politeknik Kesehatan Tanjungkarang (Poltekkes Lampung)
- Inran Qazi, The Leprosy Mission Home & Hospital
- Benedict Quao, Ghana Health Service (Leadership Team)
- Mijanur Rahman, Lepra – Bangladesh
- Litos Raimundo, NLR Mozambique**
- Raja, Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre
- Anura Rambukkana, The University of Edinburgh
- José Ramirez, IDEA**
- Alberto Novaes Ramos Júnior, Universidade Federal do Ceará*
- Marcos Túlio Raposo, Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
- Hanny Rasny, University of Jember
- Santoshdev Rathod, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists* **
- Steve Reed, Infectious Disease Research Institute*
- Maria dos Remédios Carvalho Madrira
- Chandrakant Revankar, Consultant* **
- Jan Hendrik Richardus, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam
- Erwin Nur Rif’ah, Public Health Faculty, University of Jember
- Guillermo Robert, Lepra*
- Katiuscia Rodrigues, Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Governador Valadares**
- Florenda Roferos, Leonard Wood Memorial Center for Leprosy Research**
- Isabelle Roger, PAHO*
- Dewi Rokhmah, Public Health Faculty, University of Jember
- Patricia Rosa, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Malkin Saar, LMU Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
- Nancy Sabuero, IDEA Philippines**
- Dra. Jacqueline Sachett, Fundação Alfredo da Matta
- Sunil Sahoo, PramilaEkAsha**
- Govinda Ballay Sahu, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Odisha
- Claudio Salgado, Pará Federal University and Brazilian Hansen’s Disease Society*
- Nandasiri Samaradheera, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
- Richard Sambaiga, University of Dar es Salaam
- Olorunsogo Rufus Samson, Research Triangle Institute International Nigeria**
- Biliom A Sangma, Christian Hospital Chandraghona and Christian Leprosy Center*
- Fabiana Santana, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Marcos Santos, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
- Victor Santos, Federal University of Alagoas*
- Pradip Sapkota, Anandaban Leprosy Hospital, Nepal**
- Nikita Sarah, The Leprosy Mission Trust India**
- Diah Fita Sari, NLR*
- Marcial Escobar Saucedo, Ministerio de Salud**
- Paul Saunderson, ILEP and American Leprosy Missions*
- Michel Sawadogo, Action Damien
- Darren Schaupp, American Leprosy Missions**
- Veronica Schmitz, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation*
- Chris Schmotzer, Aid to Leprosy Patients**
- Anne Schoenmakers, NLR*
- Kelly Regina Dias Scipioni, Federal University of Paraná*
- David Scollard, US National Hansen’s Disease Programs* **
- Eduardo de Miguel Selma, Fundación Fontilles
- Joseph Selvaraj, Grace Foundation**
- Dorothy Semu, Tanzania Leprosy Association
- Utpal Sengupta, The Leprosy Mission Trust India* **
- Zeba Lompo Seraphine, Service de Dermatologie Hôspital de District de Pizzy/Ouaga**
- Silatham Sermrittirong, Raj Pracha Samasai Institute**
- Danfield Shabazz, Ministry of Health & Human Services (LKMHC)
- Atul Shah, Grant Medical College & Sir J. J. Group of Hospitals
- Hasan Shaikh
- Labhi Shakya, Netherlands Leprosy Relief, Nepal
- Bhawna Sharma, ICMR – National Jalma Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases,
- Agra India
- Nirmala Sharma, FAIRMED Nepal**
- Khandel Shovakar, The Leprosy Mission Nepal**
- Dilip Shrestha, The Leprosy Mission Nepal
- Tin Shwe, American Leprosy Missions**
- Mamadou Sidibé, Programme national de lutte contre la lèpre, Mali
- Himalaya Sigdel, NLR Nepal**
- Taranath Sigdel, IDEA**
- André Silva, Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro**
- Eliane Silva, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Gerlane Bandiera da Silva, Secretaria de Saúde de Baia da Traição**
- José Alexandre Menezes da Silva, NHR Brasil*
- Moises Batista da Silva, Pará Federal University*
- Bill Simmons, American Leprosy Missions (Chair, Leadership Team)
- Itu Singh, The Leprosy Mission Trust India*
- Pushpendra Singh, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda*
- Rajni Singh, LEPRA Society**
- Surendra Nath Singh, The Leprosy Mission International**
- Vikram Singh, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Solomon Sisay, GLRA**
- Siswoyo Siswoyo, University of Jember
- Thaverit Sittiwakin, Raj Prachasamasai Institute
- Marcin Skwark, University of Cambridge
- W Cairns S Smith, University of Aberdeen*
- Rosa Castalia Franca Ribeiro Soares, Consultant to Ministry of Health, Brazil**
- Delaigue Sophie, WHO**
- Ghislain Sopoh, National Leprosy Programme, Benin**
- Artur Custodio de Souza, Morhan, Fiocruz*
- Ashley Souza, Task Force for Global Health
- Eliana Amorim de Souza, Universidade Federal da Bahia – Instituto Multidisciplinar em Saúde*
- Vânia Souza, Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima*
- Aparna Srikantam, LEPRA – Blue Peter Public Health and Research Center*
- James Staples, Brunel University London*
- Peter Steinmann, Swiss TPH* **
- John Steward Spencer, Colorado State University
- Mungara Sumabhavana, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research
- Sujai Suneetha, Institute for Specialized Services in Leprosy*
- Nayarani Suriyarachchi, FAIRMED Sri Lanka**
- Tantut Susanto, University of Jember*
- Latifa Aini Susumaningrum, University of Jember
- Patrick Suykerbuyk, Damien Foundation**
- Anneke Taal, NLR*
- Carolina Talhari, Fundação Alfredo da Matta*
- Krishna Bahadur Tamang, Nepal Leprosy Trust- Lalgadh Leprosy Hospital & Services Centre
- Emile Tanyous, GLRA Sudan**
- Nuah Perdamenta Tarigan, Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas dan Lepra Indonesia**
- Clodis Tavares, Morhan Alagoas e Reuna-Han**
- Joseph Tembo, Ministry of Education, Zambia**
- Ramapani Thammali, JSS Academy of Health and Research
- Pugazhenthan Thangaraju, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Robins Theodore, Professor
- Amar Timalisina, IDEA Nepal (Leadership Team)
- Anuj Tiwari, Erasmus MC*
- Maria Angela Bianconcini Trindade, Instituto de Saúde, SES/SP and HCFMUSP**
- Dolley Tshering, National Leprosy Control Program, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Bhutan
- Sydney Tucker, United Way of Greater Atlanta
- Ravindra Turankar, The Leprosy Mission Trust India*
- Maria Xavier Turtius, Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre
- Sunday Udo, The Leprosy Mission Nigeria**
- Nienke Veldhuijzen, Leprosy Research Institute*
- Sajitha Venkatesan, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- Mary Verghese, The Leprosy Mission Trust India
- Marcos Virmond, National Leprosy Programme, Brazil**
- Gerrit de Vries, NLR**
- Lance Waller, Emory University*
- Hua Wang, University of Glasgow
- Wantiyah Wantiyah, Faculty of Nursing, University of Jember
- Geoff Warne, ILEP (Leadership Team)
- Cassandra White, Georgia State University* **
- Anna Wickenden, effect:hope
- Dhelya Widasmara, Saiful Anwar Hospital/Brawijaya University*
- Carlos Wiens, Hospital Mennonita Km 81 Paraguay
- Supun Wijesinge, Consultant to the Ministry of Health*
- Raja Maria Xavier, Madurai Health and Leprosy Relief Centre**
- Basu Dev Yadav, Rehabilitation Empowerment and Development – Nepal*
- Ahmed Yesuf, GLRA**
- Rie Yotsu, Nagasaki University**
- Liza Yu, The Leprosy Project
- Rismawan Adi Yunanto, University of Jember
- Nadyatul Hanifah, Universitas Indonesia
- Yvonne Morgan, St Francis Leprosy Guild
- Rashmi Shukla, WHO Country Office, India
- Archana Labh, NLR Nepal
- Nirmala Prabhavathy Moillakalva, Directorate of Public Health & Family Welfare, India
- Clescia Mota, NHR Brasil
- Orah Victor Uchechukwu
- Dinesh Basnet, Association for IDEA Nepal
- Peter Richard Mansanja, Sikonge Vulnerable Center
- Rajesh Mandal, NBMC
- Juste René Houessou
- Dilini Wijesekara, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
- Robert Machang’u, St. Francis University College of Health and Allied Sciences
- Al Qadri, PerMaTa Indonesia South Sulawwesi
- Ernest Chibuike Ohanu, Pamo University of Medical Science
- Fatima Kalima, Ministry of Health Malawi
- Tahinamandranto Rasamoelina, Centre d’Infectiologie Charles Mérieux
- Grace Tsitsi Pamela Banda, The Center for Tuberculosis & Leprosy Control (Botswana) Trust
- Bikash Singh, NLR Nepal
- Shakil Ahmed, Mycobacterial Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Bangladesh
- Srilekha Penna, GLRA India
- Fabio Jimenez
- Vivian Cox, Johnson and Johnson
- John C Peter, Shanthi Rehabilitation Centre
- Maggie Burgess
- Caleb Coppengar, Salt Water Tours
- Wosen Ketema, Boru Meda Dermatology Center
- Shanta Kingham, Surrender 365 Inc.
- Chima Mbakwem, Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services
- Himanshi Khera, PGIMER, Chandigarh
- Pranjal Praveen, SSKM
- Kabita Bhattarai, Little Flower Leprosy Welfare Association
- Ancily Francis, Pushpa Hospital
- Bindu Varghese, Maharashtra Dayanand Society
- Tejas Rathod, NLEP
- Prakash Boddu, Rising Star Outreach of India
- Suku Thankappan, Rising Star Outreach of India
- Ghanashyam Sharma, HEADP-Nepal
- Jose Manikkathan, Amici di Raoul Follereau
- Sandhya, Dodipinani
- Marcel Alied, University of Glasgow
- Rafael Manuel Nhamucha
- Ajay Vir Singh, ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy and Other Mycobacterial Diseases
- Ramanuj Lahiri, National Hansen’s Disease Program, USA
- Bernardo Palos Palos, GSA
- Mayema Anatole Mayema, Lesotho National TB and Leprosy Program
- Redwan Al-Karim Bhuiyan, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
- Eric Wan
- नारायण शर्मा
- Rajbir Singh, German Leprosy and TB Relief Association
- Fernando López Díaz, Instituto Nacional de Salud
- Musibau Tijani, Tuberculosis, Leprosy & Buruli Ulcer Control Programme, Department of Public Health
- Phuc H N Nguyen, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at HCMC
- Anil Fastenau, German Leprosy and TB Relief Association
- Theophilus Baffour Osei-Awuah, Ghana Health Service, Leprosy Control Program
- Karma Lhazeen, Ministry of Health (Retired)
*Research Agenda Working Group member
**Operational Excellence Working Group member