Meeting Notes, February 2020

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – February 2020 Teleconference


Persons Affected by Leprosy and the COVID-19 Global Health Crisis: Working Group 2 Consultative Calls Report

Emergency Response Working Group 2: Emergency Advocacy for Persons Affected, has conducted consultative calls with individual persons affected and persons affected organizations to gather information about the challenges persons affected are facing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This report details these challenges and concerns, covering access to health care, access to fundamental goods, access to government support, access to stable livelihoods, access to information about COVID-19, and the impact of intersecting vulnerabilities on the resiliency of persons affected.

In addition to the report, this document includes recommendations of specific actions NGO and government leaders can take to address the needs and challenges of persons affected during the COVID-19 pandemic. The final section of the report is an open letter on COVID-19 and leprosy addressed to UN Member States from UN Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, Alice Cruz.


Lettera aperta al Ministro degli Affari Esteri Luigi Di Maio, redatta da una rete informale e globale di persone affette dalla lebbra

Lettera aperta al Ministro degli Affari Esteri Luigi Di Maio, redatta da una rete informale e globale di persone affette dalla lebbra.


Open letter to Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, organized by a global network of people affected by leprosy

Open letter to Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, written by an informal, global network of people affected by leprosy, in response to his recent public comments.

2 June 2020 ·

Open letter from UN Special Rapporteur on COVID-19 and leprosy

This letter details the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons affected by Hansen’s disease and their family members and provides governments with recommendations.

Open letter from UN Special Rapporteur on COVID-19 and leprosy

Please find below an open letter on COVID-19 and leprosy to the UN Member States from UN Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, Alice Cruz. This letter details the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on persons affected by Hansen’s disease and their family members and provides governments with recommendations to mitigate its impact in the medium and long term.

Download Visit site

Technical guidance on Reaction Management and Disability Prevention

Technical guidance from the WHO on the management of reactions and prevention of leprosy-related disability.


Advice about leprosy and COVID-19

Advice about leprosy and COVID-19 from the WHO Global Leprosy Programme, ILEP, UN Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members Alice Cruz, and GPZL.


Meeting Notes, January 2020

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – January 2020 Teleconference


Frequently Asked Questions About SDR-PEP

What is SDR-PEP for leprosy prevention? Why is SDR-PEP considered an important intervention for leprosy? How well has SDR-PEP been tested?


Meeting Notes, December 2019

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – December 2019 Teleconference


Meeting Notes, October 2019

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – October 2019 Teleconference


The Star Jul-Dec 2019

Read the July-December 2019  issue of The Star, radiating the light of truth on Hansen’s disease. The purpose of The Star is to: 1) Promote an educated public opinion of Hansen’s disease. 2.) Serve as advocate for those who have experienced or been impacted by Hansen’s disease. 3) Foster self-empowerment of those who have experienced Hansen’s disease.
Reprinted with permission from The Star, Carville, Louisiana.


GPZL Reports on Research Priorities

Reports on GPZL’s research priorities submitted to Leprosy Review, published in the September 2019 issue.


Letter: Update on the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL)

Letter to the Editor submitted to Leprosy Review, published in the September 2019 issue. This letter details the progress of the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy and lays out the Partnership’s goals for the future.

16 October 2019 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

GPZL at the International Leprosy Congress

The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL) was well represented at the International Leprosy Congress in Manila, Philippines in September. GPZL’s participation included the presentation of the partnership’s country model and the model’s recent implementation in Nepal, and the launch and a demonstration of GPZL’s new best practices toolkit.

Meeting Notes, August 2019

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – August 2019 Teleconference


WHO Global Leprosy Update, 2018

See the latest 2018 leprosy data and WHO’s strategies to reduce the disease burden in the Weekly Epidemiological Record, No. 35/36, Vol. 94 (30 August 2019).


Meeting Notes, July 2019

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Team Meeting – July 2019 Teleconference

22 July 2019 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

The Partnership’s Mission to Nepal

The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy (GPZL) conducted a two-week long country review in Nepal in July 2019.

Research Report: Diagnostics

The GPZL’s Research Agenda Working Group analyzed current research and developed priorities in several key areas that could accelerate progress towards zero leprosy. Download the report on diagnostics here.
