Providing PEP to people who may have been exposed to leprosy will reduce their risk of developing leprosy by 60%.


Fact sheet: COVID-19 Crisis and Persons Affected by Leprosy

Persons affected by leprosy have been especially impacted by the worst consequences of the pandemic, due to preexisting vulnerabilities and economic precarity.


Policy for Images, Photos, and Language

All written materials, spoken words, photographs, or imagery used by the ILEP Federation must be used with integrity to respect and promote the dignity and honour of all persons affected by leprosy.


Zero Leprosy Country Model

We bring together partners in-country and international stakeholders to work on country-led customized strategies that address local needs and priorities to end leprosy.


2020 Impact Report

The Partnership shifted attention to COVID-19 response in 2020 and made progress in the country partnerships, research, and resource mobilization needed to reach zero leprosy.


Leprosy in Asia

The Southeast Asian and Western Pacific Regions account for 75% of new leprosy cases globally.


Zero Leprosy PEP Toolkit

SDR-PEP Resources and Tools

Single Dose Rifampicin Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (SDR-PEP) is a preventative treatment for leprosy that can be used to stop the transmission of leprosy to close contacts of leprosy patients. The treatment consists of a single dose of the antibiotic rifampicin (SDR).

This page features resources and tools from GPZL and partners with information for National Leprosy Programme Managers and implementing partners to inform their approach to SDR-PEP.

Help Desk

If you have a question about a best practice or tool, members of our Operational Excellence working group and those who have helped to develop the tools, can help.


Members, abbreviations, and key terms we use to discuss leprosy.

17 February 2022 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

World Leprosy Day 2022: Events Around the World

World Leprosy Day is recognized internationally on the last Sunday of January to increase public awareness of leprosy, also known as Hansen’s disease. This year it was celebrated on 30 January 2022. Organizations of persons affected by leprosy and leprosy community partners traditionally organize in-person … Read More >

Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis of leprosy in Brazil: An ecological and population-based study

The Lancet published the following report, “Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the diagnosis of leprosy in Brazil: An ecological and population-based study.”

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Meeting Notes, 2 December 2021

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Teleconference – 2 December 2021


Meeting Notes, 7 October 2021

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Teleconference – 7 October 2021


Progress Toward Zero Leprosy

New global leprosy data shows the path to disease elimination. This resource illustrates leprosy prevalence, recent successes, current challenges, and action needed to achieve further progress toward zero leprosy.


Factsheet: Discrimination in law against persons affected by leprosy and their family members

More than 100 laws discriminate against persons affected by leprosy worldwide. This factsheet distills the key messages from the UN Special Rapporteur Alice Cru’s report to the UN General Assembly.


An unfinished business: discrimination in law against persons affected by leprosy and their family members

In her report to the UN General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, Alice Cruz, identifies more than 100 laws that discriminate against persons affected by leprosy worldwide. She examines the roots of these laws in biomedical misconceptions about the disease and their provisions and consequences, which are reflected in the persisting dehumanization of persons affected by leprosy and their family members.


WHO Global Leprosy Update 2020

The Global leprosy (Hansen disease) update 2020, Impact of COVID-19 on global leprosy control, was published by the World Health Organization on 10 September 2021.


Meeting Notes, 2 September 2021

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Teleconference – 2 September 2021


PEP4LEP study protocol: integrated skin screening and SDR-PEP administration for leprosy prevention

BMJ Open published the PEP4LEP study protocol. It is titled, “PEP4LEP study protocol: integrated skin screening and SDR-PEP administration for leprosy prevention: comparing the effectiveness and feasibility of a community-based intervention to a health centre-based intervention in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Tanzania.” The PEP4LEP study aims to determine the most effective and feasible method of screening people at risk of developing leprosy and administering chemoprophylaxis to contribute to interrupting transmission.


Meeting Notes, August 2021

Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy Leadership Teleconference – 5 August 2021
