29 November 2022 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

Nigeria develops strategic plan to end leprosy nationwide

In October 2022, the National Leprosy Programme of Nigeria, led by Adebayo Peters and Dr Anyaike Chukwuma, hosted workshops in Abuja to develop a Zero Leprosy Roadmap and Action Plan.

11 July 2022 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

GPZL and partners sign the Abidjan Declaration

Partners signed the Abidjan Declaration, a commitment to mobilize the resources, both national and international, necessary for the implementation of the interventions of the Zero Leprosy Action Plan. 

23 May 2022 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

GPZL launches new framework for countries to end leprosy

ast month, the Country Model Working Group held a validation workshop to review and affirm all new and updated components of the Country Model. The updated Zero Leprosy Country Model is now complete and is available to our country partners to support national planning to reach zero leprosy.

Progress Toward Zero Leprosy

New global leprosy data shows the path to disease elimination. This resource illustrates leprosy prevalence, recent successes, current challenges, and action needed to achieve further progress toward zero leprosy.

2 March 2021 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy

GPZL Secretariat Director discusses leprosy prevalence and prevention on Voice of America

GPZL Secretariat Director, Bill Gallo, sat down with Linord Moudou, host of Voice of America’s Healthy Living series, to discuss leprosy prevalence and the new path toward prevention. The segment, “Fear and Loathing of Leprosy,” opens with perspectives of persons affected by leprosy in Ethiopia. They … Read More >