10 December 2020 · Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy
The Partnership’s Mission to Ghana
In late November the Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy conducted its country review of Ghana. The review was requested by the Ghanaian National Leprosy Programme, headed by Dr Benedict Quao. The objective of the country review was to take stock of the programme’s current status and define key priorities for the future following the Zero Leprosy Country Model.
The Global Partnership for Zero Leprosy provided remote support due to COVID-19 precautions. Two international experts and one local expert were able to participate in the country review process in-person. This review team conducted a participatory analysis of the National Leprosy Programme, recorded progress made by the programme, and identified gaps to be filled. The review team collected national-level data and district-level data from four regions: Ashanti, Bono, Upper West, and Northern/North-East regions. Sixty stakeholders then convened to review the data and develop a zero leprosy roadmap.
Key strengths identified in the country review include the availability of MDT, management support tools, local coordination, a high treatment completion rate, and ongoing contact tracing. Areas identified for improvement include logistic support, training of medical staff, the leprosy control surveillance system, integration with other programs, and stigma reduction.
At the conclusion of the review, stakeholders agreed upon a roadmap to zero leprosy that outlines strategies to meet milestones in 2022, 2025, and 2030. The team’s final report will be submitted to Ghanaian leadership to allow them to use it in the creation of their new strategic plan.